wzgorza.pl - WoT - T-54 - Pagorki (Minen)

wzgorza.pl - WoT - T-54 - Pagorki (Minen)

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do WoT - T-54 - Pagorki (Minen)
  • There is a painful cognitive dissonance when watching this video and the tank not reacting to my mouse movement! Augh!
  • @dawsonoo7 just let the replay run in WoT and use a recording software. I used fraps.
  • @kurvanyatok yeah man, I mixed it up, sorry
  • This is not Prokhorovka.
  • yo did you convert a wot replay file or did you use some other software to record this ?
  • Good work and comments. I want the t-54 but im too lazy to get it. Just one thing, isnt better to use high explosive ammo againts arty?
  • @Legionarko thnx, uhm I dont know for sure, but the german GW Tiger + GW E have quite good armor. And since they nerfed HE with patch 7.0/7.1 I'm not using HE anymore

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