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do World Of Tanks Online Gameplay Commentary Battle #2
@FabizinhoPT RMB=Right Mouse Button.
already wacth this, be see if im going to buy it
@MrEviljezza no kus i noticed when i play the game when i move my mouse the
turret follows and when u move the mouse to look around the turret stays
the same
Subscribe to Him, hes awesome =]
@killman13Live it is.
thinck of the fishes!!!!
tan may la ngon nhat vay
Hey. Where do u get ur rectal thing from ive looked everywhere and cant
find it
You are awsome
ok dose that come with voice? recording
That was pretty cool
wat recording progarm u use
the only word i heard you say how you should (english) was american, isn't
english british peples first language?
@MaterRex Many players are like that ;)
@narto420 You mean what do I think of the controls for the game?
@MrEviljezza yea i realised that a couple minutes after i sent that ty.
whats ur set up on the game like the ctrls
@raidersfootball20 it's the midlands accent.
Never mind about the rectal
why do have to much HE? you got 16 HE and 20 AP wow next time have 10 HE
and the rest is AP you know HE sucks in damaging tanks well....
were is the play button to get started I can find it!
must be a fun game
uhmm.. excuse me can u pls putcthe link of the periscope pls.. lol i have a
tiger2 also haha
@MrEviljezza What the fuck is the RMB button ?
@awesome2130 With time people will start to fear your name ;)
they just sit there ... thats to funy
@MrEviljezza oh in England?
ive already got a tiger tank but only 1 tank destroy lol
Why Does WorldOfTanks need to take 3010.94MB It takes Ages
guys can i play it on internet
Another question where do we go to get a new sniper scope?
@narto420 hold down RMB button to look around without moving turret.
@raidersfootball20 yeah
Poor matchmaking. EXCESSIVE DETRACKING.Too many non damaging (failed) shots
(75% Tier 1-7 ). Coded (RNG) for failure. Can't choose instances or kick
poor players. Excessive "stuck" in terrain. No combat log. Non interactive
minimap. Hi tier artillery overpowered. Scouting role suicide. You can buy
XP & tier 8 tanks & skip lower levels. Forums censored. Post negative on
forum they BAN you. Tier 8-10 play takes cash to break even. PLAY
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