wzgorza.pl - Segway UK- Spotting System Testing (Pagorki)

wzgorza.pl - World of Tanks - Spotting System Testing (Pagorki)

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do World of Tanks - Spotting System Testing (Pagorki)
  • Nice video. Thanks for demonstrating the spotting system! are the BEST.
  • You do know that they are working on it right ^^ its not like you write a completely new spotting system in a week.
  • Apparently, next month, there's a patch to overhaul the spotting system.
  • answer from the devs: works as intended
  • Stealthtank, cleared for combat!
  • it does work as intended, you are driving down the hill. the bush only has little to do with this "miracle".
  • hi guys, you can only see tanks, wich your crew (commander) could see too. try this same movement in the aiming-mode and you will understand, what i mean ;)
  • Suomi perkele :D
  • @gtamozilakilla Ctrl + tab i think. not sure.
  • @Naeron66 @Esourze @Morrogh This is a confirmed bug. Double bush effect is too strong, causing complete block of sight. It's already fixed in 0.6.4 server (I have personally tested it in the test server, and I can say I am happy with the new spotting system.
  • No bugs at all. The bush is blocking line of site until you reach the 50m automatic detection range. Spotting is based on what the tank can see, not what you can see in super overhead mode.

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